BlueChart Pacific v6.5 contains updated coverage of Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, including tide predictions. See the product compatibility table (right) for a list of products that Garmin recommends with this software.
Version 6.5 features include:
Object-oriented cartography
Faithful representation of published official paper charts
Shaded depth contours
Intertidal zones
Spot soundings
Navaids with view range and coverage
Port plans
Chart-specific information, including chart name and number, scale, revision date, latest Notice to Mariners date
Tides, wrecks, restricted areas and anchorages
Trip and waypoint management function lets you transfer waypoints, routes and tracks between your GPS and your PC**
Real-time track plotting allows you to interface your Garmin chartplotter or handheld GPS with a PC laptop and must have compatible GPS with unlock code
Unlocking Your Coverage
When you purchase the MapSource BlueChart® CD, you’ll have access to detailed nautical charts for one region of your choice. Follow instructions on the certificate to unlock one region, then download the map data to a blank data card or compatible Garmin unit. You can reprogram the data card whenever you want by simply downloading different areas. The unlock process allows us to provide you with only the map data you need at a lower cost. What if you want to navigate in another offshore area that’s not covered in the region you selected? Just purchase an unlock code for another region. You can purchase additional unlock codes online at: www.garmin.com/unlock/.
Your MapSource unlock code is valid for use with your own Garmin GPS unit. A separate unique unlock code is needed for each GPS unit. If you own more than one GPS unit or upgrade to a new GPS unit, you will need a separate code for each GPS unit. If you personally own two Garmin GPS units, you are allowed to obtain a second unlock code for the same region for your own personal use at no additional charge. Simply repeat the unlock process for the second unit. No more than two GPS units may be unlocked with the purchase of a single unlock code. A new unlock code must be purchased if you have already unlocked two GPS units. For specific questions about the unlock process, please see Garmin's Unlock FAQs.
Map Coverage
A certificate included with the BlueChart CD-ROM provides access to "unlock" one region of your choice. You are entitled to select just one region per unlock coupon code, but not one region from each map. A region is identified with a Garmin part number.

Retail Price:
$216.65 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $149.99 Sale price: $
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