What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
In order to give you our discount GPS pricing, we must advertise using MAP. MAP stands for "Minimum Advertised Price." Due to agreements with our manufacturers, we are not allowed to advertise our discount GPS prices on many of their products. This is because our discount GPS prices are below their minimum allowed advertise price. This price is called the "MAP" price. In order for us to show you our everyday low discount GPS prices, you will need to add the item to your shopping cart by clicking the "Our Price" button on some of our items. You are in no way obligated to purchase an item when you place it in your shopping cart and it may be removed at any time. We're sure that the discount GPS prices you find at OpenSky will mean your items will never leave the shopping cart. |
Car GPS systems by Garmin
How many times have you been somewhere, but the only problem was, you didn't know where you were! As the car GPS navigation systems become more popular, they have also become much more affordable. In the past, a car GPS system was something most of us only dreamed about. Now the prices on the most popular state of the art car GPS system makes it affordable for everyone. Bulk discounts available.

Street Pilot 2720
Retail: $1184.6 Map Price: $1099 Our Price is too low to advertise click "Our Price". |
 Garmin Quest
Retail Price: $642.84
Our Price: $489.95 |
Car GPS systems by
Go 300
Retail: $699.99
MAP: $699.99 Our Price is too low to advertise click "Our Price".
TomTom Go 700
Retail: $899.95
Price: $757.00
Car GPS systems by Magellan
Car GPS systems by Navman
Because OpenSky GPS only stocks some of the bigger selling GPS systems, you may not see a GPS system that fits your specific need. If you are looking for any particular GPS that we do not have listed, please drop us an email with what GPS system or type of GPS systems you are interested in. We will take special request and be happy to find those GPS systems that you are looking for. If you are looking for a car GPS for your company vehicle and will be purchasing more than three systems, please request a bulk
discount by sending an email to our customer service department with "bulk GPS systems" in he subject line.
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