What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
In order to give you our discount GPS pricing, we must advertise using MAP. MAP stands for "Minimum Advertised Price." Due to agreements with our manufacturers, we are not allowed to advertise our discount GPS prices on many of their products. This is because our discount GPS prices are below their minimum allowed advertise price. This price is called the "MAP" price. In order for us to show you our everyday low discount GPS prices, you will need to add the item to your shopping cart by clicking the "Our Price" button on some of our items. You are in no way obligated to purchase an item when you place it in your shopping cart and it may be removed at any time. We're sure that the discount GPS prices you find at OpenSky will mean your items will never leave the shopping cart. |
Whether it's hunting, hiking, or biking, these handheld GPS systems make it easy to get there and back. The eTrex Vista was rated the number one selling handheld GPS. These rugged handheld GPS navigators are built to handle the Great Outdoors -- and still keep you on track.
Handheld GPS with Radio Communications by Garmin
Handheld GPS with Mapping by Garmin

Garmin GPSMap 76C
Retail: $535.7Map: $499.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price". |
Garmin GPSMap 76CS
Retail: $589.27
Map: $549.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin GPSMap 76S
Retail: $430.75
Map: $399.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin eTrex Vista
Retail: $289.27
Map: $269.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin eTrex Vista C
Retail: $428.56
Map: $399.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin eTrex Legend
Retail: $182.13
Map: $169.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Basic Handheld GPS by Garmin

Garmin eTrex Retail: $106.24Map: $102.64 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin eTrex Camo
Retail: $116.86
Our Price: $134.96 |
Garmin eTrex Summit
Retail: $214.27
Map: $199.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin eTrex Venture
Retail: $149.32
Map: $139.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
Garmin GPS 76
Retail: $228.56
Map: $199.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".

Garmin GPS 72
Retail: $219.89
Map: $159.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".

Garmin Geko 201 Retail: $149.99 Map: $139.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price". |
Garmin Geko 301
Retail: $246.1
Map: $229.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
| |
Garmin Foretrex 101
Retail: $138.65 Map: $129.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price". |
Garmin Fortrex 201
Retail: $182.34
Map: $169.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price". | |