Garmin-eTrex Venture 
The eTrex Venture offers a worldwide database of cities and increased internal memory. It is also one of three eTrex units that are designed to provide precise GPS positioning using correction data obtained from the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). This product will provide position accuracy to less than three meters when receiving WAAS corrections.
The memory capacity of one megabyte allows the eTrex Venture to accept downloaded information from Garmin's new MapSource® Points of Interest CD-ROM. The CD enables users to download locations such as restaurants, hotels, shopping, and entertainment. Once the information is loaded into the unit, you can make a selection and telephone and address information for a particular point of interest will appear on the screen. The CD also includes marine data such as lights, buoys, wrecks and obstructions. The eTrex Venture comes housed in a stylish, translucent green case.
Unit includes:
eTrex Venture®
City Point Database
PC interface cable
Wrist strap
User's guide
Quick reference guide
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$149.32 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Map: $139.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
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