Turn your laptop PC into a powerful street navigator with the GPS 18 — a GPS sensor bundled with nRoute™ and City Select software that automatically guides you with turn-by-turn directions and voice prompts to get you safely to your destination.
Similar to Garmin's MapSource® software, nRoute features an easy-to-use interface, making it intuitive to operate so you can focus on driving. It offers auto-routing and voice-prompting capabilities to virtually any address.
The GPS 18 ships with fully unlocked MapSource® City Select® CDs, which provide full coverage of the entire United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico (North America version) or major metropolitan areas throughout Western Europe (Europe version). Map detail includes highways, interstates, business and residential roads, with turn restrictions, speed categories, and other navigation features. It also features more than five million points of interest including restaurants, lodging, attractions, shopping, emergency services, post offices, and more.
The GPS 18 includes a 12 parallel channel, WAAS-enabled sensor, available with either a PC or USB connection. The receiver includes an integrated magnetic base and is less than three inches in diameter.
Traveling with your laptop on business or vacation? The GPS 18 is a simple, convenient, inexpensive way to turn your PC laptop into a personal navigator to get you where you're going.
GPS 18 features:
GPS 18 USB Specifications
WAAS-enabled; 12 parallel channel GPS receiver
Weight: 100.4 g
Size: 61mm dia. x 19.5mm height
USB 2.0 full-speed interface (also compatible with USB 1.1 Full Speed hosts)
Powered through the computer’s USB port
GPS 18 PC Specifications
WAAS-enabled; 12 parallel channel GPS receiver
Weight: 184.6g
Size: 61 mm dia. x 19.5 mm height
Serial interface: asynchronous serial input compatible with RS-232 or TTL voltage levels, RS-232 polarity
Powered through integrated 12-volt cigarette lighter adapter
Package includes:
GPS 18 sensor with USB or PC connection
12-volt adapter (PC only)
Automotive windshield mount
Integrated magnetic base
nRoute CD-ROM
MapSource® City Select North America CD-ROM with full coverage and full unlock
Setup guide
Quick reference guide
Mounting instructions
Product information sheet
nRoute navigation software help contents
*Americas version for sale only in North America; European version for sale only in Europe
Availability: Error: Data not available (103)
Retail Price:
$ Error: Data not available (103) U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $ Error: Data not available (103) Sale price: $ Error: Data not available (103)
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