All other marine handheld GPS units will pale when compared to the GPSMAP 76C and GPSMAP 76CS—literally.
The latest color-display technology gives both units the brightest, sunlight-readable displays available. And with brand-new state-of-the-art receivers and powerful microprocessors, these units will give you a quick and steady fix. In addition, the GPSMAP 76CS boasts a built-in electronic compass and barometric altimeter.
Both the GPSMAP 76C and GPSMAP 76CS have the familiar GPS 76-family keypads and styling, with 115 MB of memory, an Americas Autoroute basemap, and a Marine Point database. Fast USB connectivity makes loading charts and maps quick and easy, while navigation instructions can be shared with repeaters, plotters, and autopilots using NMEA protocols through the dedicated serial port.
They’re waterproof and fully compatible with MapSource® products like BlueChart®, U.S. Topo 24K, and City Select® (which provides detailed streets for turn-by-turn guidance).
GPSMAP 76CS features
WAAS-enabled, 12 parallel channel GPS receiver
Built-in quad-helix antenna with remote antenna capability
Electronic compass displays accurate heading while standing still
Barometric sensor with automatic pressure trend recording
Elevation computer provides current elevation, ascent/descent rate, minimum/ maximum elevation, total ascent and descent, average and maximum ascent and descent rate
115-MB internal memory for loading MapSource detail, including marine cartography
USB connectivity for quick chart and map downloads
6.2" H x 2.7" W x 1.4" D unit dimensions
Sunlight-readable display with 256-color transreflective TFT display (1.5" W x 2.2" H; 2.6" diagonally); color operating system with new look-and-feel
Weighs 7.6 ounces (with batteries)
LED-backlit display and keypad
Up to 20 hours battery life (uses two AA alkaline batteries)
Permanent user-data storage; no memory battery required
Includes a built-in Americas Autoroute basemap with auto-routing capabilities, including highways, exits, and tide data (U.S. only)
Internal memory is pre-loaded with a Marine Point database
Water resistant to IEC 60529 IPX7 standards (can be submerged in one meter of water for 30 minutes); rugged and waterproof housing that floats
1000 user waypoints with name and graphic symbol; 50 reversible routes
Position formats include Lat/Lon, UTM, Loran TDs, Maidenhead, MGRS, user grid, and more
Audible alarms for anchor drag, arrival, off-course, proximity waypoint, and clock
Large-numbers option for easy viewing; dual-position display mode
Trip computer provides odometer, stopped time, moving average, overall average, total time, max speed, and more
10,000 point automatic track log; 20 saved tracks let you retrace your path in both directions
Built-in celestial tables for best time to fish, plus sun and moon calculations
Compatible with most MapSource products including BlueChart, City Select, U.S. Topo 24K, U.S. TOPO, and Recreational Lakes with Fishing Hot Spots
Package includes:
Americas Basemap: Americas Autoroute
Database: Marine Point
MapSource® Trip & Waypoint Manager CD-ROM
PC/USB cable
Quick-start guide
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$589.27 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Map: $549.99 Our Price is too low to advertise, click "Our Price".
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