MapSend® BlueNav CD North America includes 83 local North America navigational charts, offering a complete range of detailed marine cartography for your Magellan® Meridian Gold, Marine, Platinum and Color or Magellan SporTrak Pro, SporTrak Pro Marine and SporTrak Color. Derived from Navionics® Gold charts, MapSend BlueNav charts are the most advanced marine cartography available, providing large, highly detailed coverage areas and enhanced marine navigation information, including marine currents, tides, port services and much more.
In order to download charts to your unit the product must be activated (see below for details). Once your CD is activated, MapSend BlueNav charts can be uploaded from your computer to a Secure Digital (SD) memory card for use with your Magellan Meridian GPS receiver or directly to the built-in memory of your SporTrak Pro GPS receiver. This MapSend BlueNav CD North America is ideal for mariners who wish to utilize a large number of charts interchangeably by over-writing new charts for each new journey
Each of the 83 local charts provides the information and features you need to ensure safe and enjoyable navigation in the areas you travel.
Seamless technology
This innovative chart system enables fast, smooth, seamless scrolling across charts and from one chart to another, making navigation easier and more enjoyable.
Port Service Guide
Instantly find the nearest services or locate the closest port in an emergency.
Large Port Plans
Highly detailed port and marina plans make your approach to port safer and easier.
Valuable Information
MapSend BlueNav charts include information on ports, currents, navaids, tides and more. See a detailed view of what is ahead, adding value and safety to your journey.
Easy Activation
To unlock your Magellan® MapSend® BlueNav software call:
Toll-free in the U.S.: 866 339 0487
Internationally: 909 394 5084
Or click here to unlock your software on our website.
For use with your Magellan Meridian Gold, Marine, Platinum and Color, or Magellan SporTrak Pro (V. 4.00 min.), SporTrak Pro Marine and SporTrak Color GPS receiver.
MapSend BlueNav charts are compatible with a number of Magellan handheld GPS receivers and GPS chart plotters. See the chart below to determine compatibility with your receiver.

Magellan MapSend BlueNav cartography is a database offering a wide range of information, which may be represented in different ways from one piece of equipment to another. It is a good idea to confirm whether your equipment includes the capability to utilize some information, such as tide tables, as an example.
To use MapSend BlueNav charts on your Magellan device, your handheld receiver must be running version 4.0 software or higher. At startup, your unit will display the software version.
Updated receiver software is available at http://www.magellangps.com/en/software.asp.
* Only 1 chart can be chosen and loaded into your GPS
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$199.95 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $149.76 Sale price: $What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
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