Maximize the capability of your GPS technology. Detailed maps make GPS navigation even easier with your Magellan® Meridian® series, SporTrak® Pro, SporTrak Pro Marine, SporTrak Map, SporTrak Color, MAP 330 or MAP 330M handheld receiver.
MapSend® Streets & Destinations in the United States software contains highly-detailed maps that can be easily downloaded from your PC to your handheld GPS receiver for a fun and simple way to navigate. Map details include streets, lakes, rivers, coastlines, parks, railways and points of interest for the entire United States. You choose the regions and level of detail to download for maximum memory efficiency. The data can then be updated or overwritten with new map regions.
Create your own waypoints and routes on your PC, edit and download them to your GPS receiver for use on your adventure. Save thousands of routes on your PC for recording your every journey.
Plotting your current position in relation to surrounding landmarks is fun and easy, and your GPS search function will find street addresses and points of interest, quickly and safely guiding you to those locations.
Points of interest include:
· Cities
· Airports
· Recreation/Amusement
· Parks
· Wineries
· Sight seeing
· Golf courses
· Tourist attractions
· Sport stadiums
· Historical & Museums
· Archery & Firearm shooting ranges
· Aerial events
· Gardens
· Campgrounds
· Zoos & Aquariums
· Hunting & Fishing locations
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$99.95 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $79.73 Sale price: $What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
In order to give you our discount GPS pricing, we must advertise using MAP. MAP stands for "Minimum Advertised Price." Due to agreements with our manufacturers, we are not allowed to advertise our discount GPS prices on many of their products. This is because our discount GPS prices are below their minimum allowed advertise price. This price is called the "MAP" price. In order for us to show you our everyday low discount GPS prices, you will need to add the item to your shopping cart by clicking the "Our Price" button on some of our items. You are in no way obligated to purchase an item when you place it in your shopping cart and it may be removed at any time. We're sure that the discount GPS prices you find at OpenSky will mean your items will never leave the shopping cart.