Plan your next outdoor adventure with the help of MapSource® United States TOPO CD-ROM. This CD contains digital topographic maps for the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii that are comparable to the U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale paper maps.
Features include:
Trip and waypoint management functions**
Highways, roads, hiking trails, snowmobile trails, backwoods trails, elevation contours, point elevations, summits, some bathymetric contours, geographic names, churches, and schools
Shoreline detail for lakes, reservoirs, small bodies of water, waterways, rivers, and streams
Icons representing boat ramps, dams, marinas, campgrounds, public facilities, mile markers, first-aid stations, picnic, swimming, and ski areas, wrecks, fuel, and dangerous and restricted areas Nautical navaids for the 50 states including radiobeacons, RACONs, and fog signals; river, harbor, and other lights; and daybeacons and lighted and unlighted buoys
Wrecks and obstructions—such as shipwrecks, submerged rocks, obstructions, and other hazards to nautical navigation
**These functions of this product work with nearly all Garmin® GPS units, excluding the GPS100 family and panel mount aviation units. Some units may require a Garmin data card to upload map data.
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$116.85 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $87.97 Sale price: $What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
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