e Series GPS with Rand McNally StreetFinder® NAV 2004
for Notebook PCs
The Navman e Series GPS for Windows notebook computers is an easy-to-use solution that turns a notebook computer with a USB port into a complete navigational system. You get everything you need for real-time mobile GPS direction and mapping capabilities.
Just load the Rand McNally StreetFinder® Deluxe Travel Navigation Software onto your PC.
Plug the GPS receiver into your notebook's USB port and you're ready to plan trips, locate destinations and find points of interest such as hotels and restaurants.
Your navigational solution operates using your notebook's power source and provides precise information on your location and how to get to your destination.
The heart of your Navman GPS solution is our powerful antenna which connects you to up to 12 satellites - pinpointing your position anywhere in the world.
And the Rand McNally StreetFinder® Deluxe Travel Navigation Software includes detailed street maps for the contiguous United States and Hawaii; plus the location of over a million points of interest and businesses.
The Navman GPS e Series includes the GPS receiver, Rand McNally StreetFinder® Deluxe Travel Navigation Software, USB connector and windshield mounting bracket.
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Receiver Frequency: 1575.42 MHz (L1 band)
Antenna Type: High Gain ceramic patch
GPS Receiver
Technology: Conexant Zodiac Chip Set, C/A code, SPS (Standard Positioning Service)
Satellite Measure Used: 12-channel parallel automatic selection
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70°C
Storage Temperature: -10°C to 85°C
Supply voltage Range 5 to 16V Unregulated DC
Supply voltage Protection: Voltage transient protection suitable for a 12V automotive supply
Current Consumption: 65mA typical, 12 V DC
Time To Fix First (TTFF)
Warm Start: 48 seconds
Cold Start: 60 seconds
150 seconds 90% probable
Re-acquisition Time < 2 seconds typical with less than 10 seconds blockage
Accuracy of Position Fix
6.8 meters, 2s (95%)
Receiver Configuration
Serial Output
Hardware: RS232
Baud rate: 4800; 8, N, 1
Update rate: Once every second continuous
Output Message: NMEA 0183 version 2.01, GPGGA, GPGSA, GPRMC and GPGSV
Data and Power Connection
Data: 4pin MiniDIN femaleviaUSB
Power: From notebook computer through the USB connector.
FCC Part 15, CE and C-tick
Warranty Period:
Twelve [12] months limited parts and labor warranty.
Rand McNally and StreetFinder are registered trademarks of Rand McNally & Company
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