Model |
GPS 3450 |
GPS 4410 |
Dell Axim (Tested with A5 and Dell TrueMobile 300 Bluetooth
Card, 64 mb devices recommended* ) |
HP/ Compaq iPaq H3830/3835 |
HP/ Compaq iPaq H3850 |
HP/ Compaq iPaq H3870/3875  |
HP/ Compaq iPaq H3950/3955 |
HP/ Compaq iPaq H3970/3975  |
HP iPaq 1940/H1945 (iPaq H1910 not supported)  |
HP iPaq H2210/2215 |
HP iPaq H5150  |
HP iPaq H5450/5455  |
HP iPaq H5550/5555  |
NOTE: Consumers with HP
iPaqs’ using Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 pleaseview the following documents: |
Navman 3450 users: 3450
Errata.pdf |
Navman 4400/4410 users: GPS
4400/4410 Errata.pdf |
Do I have the 3420 or 3450? |
Navman 3420 : No external antenna |
Navman 3450 : Has plug for external antenna
(antenna not included) |
NOTE: When using the SmartSt
Professional software, included with GPS units purchased from Navman |
you will need 12mb of free memory on your iPaq to install the application.
When the software starts up the program will cache (save to your iPaq) 10%
of any map data that is stored on any memory cards. For example, if you
have 250mb of map data stored on a memory card, the system will try to save
25mb on your iPaq main memory. Be sure the unit has a sufficient amount
of free main memory. |