Americas version for sale only in North America
Imagine never being lost while driving. Garmin® makes it possible. Meet the StreetPilot III - the ultimate traveling companion and guide. Create a route and then put your mind on cruise as you follow clear, accurate, voice-prompted turn-by-turn directions to safely reach your destination.
The simple, intuitive menus of the StreetPilot III offer access to the shortest and fastest routes, directions, and estimated arrival time of your intended destination. Automated voice prompts alert you to upcoming turns, course deviation, and distance to final destination. At the touch of a button, view the locations of all the nearest highway exits, gas stations, restaurants, ATMs, hospitals, and rest areas on a full-color L CD.
The StreetPilot® III comes with MapSource® City Navigator CD-Rom and everything you need to download street-level mapsets from your PC. Then, just place the portable system on the dash of any vehicle, and enjoy stress-free driving and peace of mind—without any costly service charges or hook-up fees.
Package includes:
Deluxe Version
StreetPilot III with portable antenna
• PC interface cable
• Dashboard mount
• Portable Mount (bean bag mount)
• External speaker with 12-volt cigarette lighter adapter
• Owner's manual
• Quick reference guide
• USB data card programmer
• One version below*:
Americas Autoroute Basemap
MapSource City Navigator North America CD with full coverage and full unlock
128 MB datacard
Availability: Usually ships the same business day
Retail Price:
$999.95 U.S.D. (for domestic US market only)
Our Price: $689.96 Sale price: $What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
In order to give you our discount GPS pricing, we must advertise using MAP. MAP stands for "Minimum Advertised Price." Due to agreements with our manufacturers, we are not allowed to advertise our discount GPS prices on many of their products. This is because our discount GPS prices are below their minimum allowed advertise price. This price is called the "MAP" price. In order for us to show you our everyday low discount GPS prices, you will need to add the item to your shopping cart by clicking the "Our Price" button on some of our items. You are in no way obligated to purchase an item when you place it in your shopping cart and it may be removed at any time. We're sure that the discount GPS prices you find at OpenSky will mean your items will never leave the shopping cart.