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Atlantic AutoRoute Basemap

This basemap comes factory installed with for sale in Europe (not in America) with the BMW Motorcycles Navigator, StreetPilot III, StreetPilot 2610, StreetPilot 2620, StreetPilot 2650, StreetPilot 2660, GPS V, GPSMAP 196, GPSMAP 276C, GPSMAP 296, GPSMAP 76C, GPSMAP 76CS, and Quest.

Garmin mapping units come with built-in, permanent basemaps that cannot be altered. These basemaps come in a variety of global designations (ie., Atlantic basemap). Please ensure that you are purchasing a unit with a basemap that's appropriate for your location and needs. (OpenSky GPS always sells GPS units with basemaps designed for American use with American basemaps only.) Factory-installed basemaps cannot be altered.

The Atlantic Autoroute basemap includes Europe, extreme western Russia, Africa, and the Middle East, and covers an area from N75 to S60 Latitude, W30 to E60 Longitude. Also included is a high-level worldwide map with political boundaries and major cities.

The standard map coverage for the Atlantic basemap includes:
1. Oceans, rivers and lakes (greater than 30 square miles)
2. Principal cities and a small amount of smaller cities and towns
3. Major motorways and/or interstates and principal highways
4. Political boundaries (state and international borders)
5. Large and Medium Airports
6. Urban areas greater than 200K

A. Iceland, Great Britain, Baltic States, Denmark, Germany, Benelux, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Southern Africa (up to S20 Latitude) - In addition to the standard map coverage, these areas also include:

1. Small lakes, major streams and rivers
2. Urban areas
3. Railroads
4. Regional arterial roadways
5. Exits for major motorways and/or interstates (Europe Only)
6. Small cities and towns

What does the "MAP" mean on some of our prices?
In order to give you our discount GPS pricing, we must advertise using MAP. MAP stands for "Minimum Advertised Price." Due to agreements with our manufacturers, we are not allowed to advertise our discount GPS prices on many of their products. This is because our discount GPS prices are below their minimum allowed advertise price. This price is called the "MAP" price.  In order for us to show you our everyday low discount GPS prices, you will need to add the item to your shopping cart by clicking the "Our Price" button on some of our items. You are in no way obligated to purchase an item when you place it in your shopping cart and it may be removed at any time.  We're sure that the discount GPS prices you find at OpenSky will mean your items will never leave the shopping cart.

Because OpenSky GPS only stocks some of the bigger selling GPS systems, you may not see a GPS system that fits your specific need. If you are looking for any particular GPS that we do not have listed, please drop us an email with what GPS system  or type of GPS systems you are interested in. We will take special request and be happy to find  those GPS systems that you are looking for.  If you are looking for a car GPS  for your company vehicle and will be purchasing more than three systems, please request a bulk discount by sending an email to our customer service department with "bulk GPS systems" in he subject line. 

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